Scratch Project
Disapperaing Destination Answers
Details: The Amazon rain forest, river, and basin are one of the most secretive places in the world. It may hold the answer to the cure and better medication for cancer even. Some of it's details not even the best scientist knows. We are lucky to know even a few. Here are five details:
1. The Amazon rain forest has over 20% of the worlds species, and 20-40 million different species of animals! 2. It is estimated that a single hectare (2.47 acres) of Amazon rain forest has about 900 tons of living plants! 3. There are more than 750 different types of trees, and more than 1500 other types of plants! 4. Has about 4100 miles of winding rivers! 5. 2.6 million square miles of rain forest are there! |
Patterns: We have a tendency to log down most of the forest, or at least half of it, and them we re-plant most of the forest, so we have a lot of old, young, and in the middle trees. I predict that in about 50 years, the forest will be mostly cut down, with only a few young trees left. >.<
We are relying on the trees to re-plant themselfs, that we hardly pay any attintion to them! We logg, and log, and log, and log and some of us don't care. |
Trends: the trend of the deforestation is we log about 3/4 of the forest down, them make it full with young trees, and only half the time do we give the trees time to regrow. We are attacking the forest at terifing rate! I doubt the deforestation will slow down. If anything, it will probaly speed up with are needs!
Unanswerd Questions: I don't have that many! We have been studing this for a good 4 weeks. Here are my few questions;
1. Are we ever going to stop deforestation? 2. How many udiscovered species are there left in the Amazon Basin? 3. What do the natives think of this? ( yes there are natives there, and they live kinda like us! Without electricity!) |
Ethics: it is good that we get wood from it, and things to make medicaid with, but it is NOT good that we cut down the forest that happily gives that stuff to us. We are not the top of the world. We have to consider the plants and animals that we destroy daily. How would you like to be in their shoes you loggers?! Every 30 minutes a good medicaid goes out the door, and a undiscovered species says good bye to life. I think we should stop logging for a good long while, or at least log slower if you can't handle that.
Perspectives: loggers probaly think it's a good thing that we log down the forest. It is thier job after all. Other people don't really think about it untill they read somthing like this, or they have a reserch project. I used to not even know this happened. Now, I am so tuna mad about it, I want to put up billboards saying " Stop defrestaion! Save out planet! We don'tneed that much wood!" Which is all true! I am very mad about deforestation evrywhere, espacilly in the Amazon Basin! It is so beutifull!
Big Ideas: the Amazon is a buetifull place, but we log it down! The Amazon Basin is endangered because of us. Now, it is our duty to save it! Please help save our wildlife! Or donate to help save our wildlife. Please use the link below to donate!